

I am happy that Sonia Sotomayor got a supreme court nomination. She is from my old stomping grounds “Da Bronx” and she also is from my alma mater, Cardinal Spellman High School, In New York. Aside from all of that almost all of her career has been in public service — as a prosecutor, trial judge, and now appellate judge. In 1998, Judge Sotomayor became the first Latina to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, one of the most demanding circuits in the country. She has participated in over 3000 panel decisions and authored roughly 400 opinions, handling difficult issues of constitutional law, to complex procedural matters, to lawsuits involving complicated business organizations.

The Wall Street Journal says that Sotomayor’s “record…puts her within the mainstream of Democratic judicial appointees. But she also sided with large corporations in some cases that show she didn’t always take a standard liberal view.” The New York Times describes Sotomayor’s “judicial opinions” as “marked by diligence, depth and unflashy competence.”

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